Prayer Times
Welcome to the
Isabet Academy
Isabet Academy is a reliable educational institute with strength and a deep-rooted background, we are inspired by Islamic values. Our aims are; to generate a center of attraction in the modern education world with a “24-hour education” that is based on affection and respect within a boarding environment, to accommodate ourselves to the requisitions of a rapidly changing world without sacrificing the principles that make us strong, to be such an establishment which develops as we learn and proceeds to the perfection we target step by step with all team members from teachers to the students, to contribute to the formation of the future’s healthy, strong and civilized society.
Our Philosophy
Isabet Academy At A Glance
Blended Learning
Utilizes the combination of virtual academic delivery of material with the traditional method of teacher-led instruction.
Model Classroom
Delivers a course curriculum with education that focuses on student-centered learning under the supervision of the in-person classroom teacher.
Religious Studies
An Islamic education model that dates back to centuries, in which students’ religious, moral, and spiritual development is achieved.
Extracurricular Activities
Scientific, cultural, and sports activities that provide both personal development and educational discipline
Our Recent News

Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever attends a gathering of dhikr (remembrance of Allāh), Allāh Ta‘ālā writes one thawāb (merit) of ibādah for each step he takes (while going to and coming from that gathering) and he will be together with me under the Arsh al-Ā’la (The Great Throne)…
Students with over 32 different
nationalities represented.
Current number of registered boy and
girl boarding students.
Applications received for boarding education
and increasing daily.